
New features, bug fixes, major updates and announcements.

  1. Super 3.1 Beta

    New Feature

    Today we’re super excited to unveil that we are starting to roll out the latest product update ⚡️


    Slide 16_9 - 67


    What's new

    🚀 Improved performance & SEO

    📝 Improved page management

    🆕 New sidebar menu

    🗺️ Improved navigation

    🗄️File and font upload


    Technology upgrade

    In this release Super sites are getting a significant update. This update is mostly related to the technology our sites runs on. Last year Next.js released a massive update to their framework which introduced a lot of big new features. These features include performance enhancements and enable platforms like Super to create features which were previously not possible. This update introduced new coding paradigms and migrating was a big task. We’ve been working on this migration in parallel to all the other updates released in the last year.


    Release Schedule

    • Today you can access the new features on 
    • Today you can use the update button in the beta dashboard to move your site to this new version. We encourage you to upgrade your sites as soon as you can.
    • On April 15th the beta dashboard will be deployed to the main app
    • 2 weeks later all sites will be updated to the new version.
    • 4 weeks after that all remaining sites will be updated and we’ll be shutting down the old version.
    • All future features and bug fixes will be on the new version of sites.


    Read more in our blog post: 


    Video walkthrough of the new features


    Thanks for reading,



  2. Super Analytics is here! ⚡️📊

    New Feature

    We're so excited to Introduce Analytics for Super sites, one of our biggest and most requested features to date!

    With Super Analytics you get access to a beautiful new dashboard that helps you learn more about your website traffic–enabling you to optimize content and make data-driven decisions.

    Unlike Google Analytics, which can be complex, Super's analytics is user-friendly, making adapting and usage a breeze!




    Getting started

    1. Log in to Super 

    2. Open your site and go into the new Analytics page in the sidebar

    3. Enable Analytics and confirm the payment

    Please note: It can take a couple of hours or more before Super Analytics will start displaying your data, learn more here. 


    Analytics pricing

    Super Analytics starts at just $10/m for 10,000 page views and you can enable it on as many sites as you want for no extra cost! Pricing tiers are based on the combined page views of all your analytics enabled sites and when you reach a higher tier, your billing will adjust automatically. Click here to learn more about Analytics pricing tiers.


    What's included

    With Super Analytics you get access to an incredible suite of data including: Unique visitors, Total sessions, Total views, Bounce rate, Visit duration, Views per visit, Sources, Referrers, Outbound links, Pages, Country/city, device/OS, browsers, date and time heat-maps.

    Read our guide here to learn more about getting started, why Analytics is important, and what data is included.


    Watch our walk-through video


    Thanks for reading,



  3. Redirect and hide pages ⚡️

    New Feature
    Slide 16_9 - 60


    We are delighted to introduce new page options for Pro tier sites that allow you to redirect and hide (404) pages. This is a game-changer for those that want extra control over their site's SEO when moving content or updating page URL's.


    How to setup redirects and 404's

    1. Log in to Super 🔌

    2. Open your site and head into your site pages 📃

    3. With existing page: click the 3 dots menu and choose edit page then at the bottom, choose Redirect or Hide to get started 📝

    4. With new page: create a new page & choose the Redirect tab ↪️


     Click here to learn more about how Redirecting and hiding pages works over on our new guide. 






  4. June and July 2023 fixes and updates

    Bug Fix

    While we're busy building out some new features, we've also been busy behind the scenes on some bugs and improvements:

    • Fixed issue relating to some databases not showing after Notion update
    • Fixed issue relating to database properties not showing on some sites after Notion update
    • Fixed empty database pages (not in the pages list or sitemap) being discovered and indexed by Google
    • Fixed ongoing issue with Twitter changes causing tweets not to show or take a long time to load
    • Fixed page level code affecting preview of another page in Dashboard Preview
    • Updated some of the Super Templates to support custom Theming
    • Updated and improved manual publishing speed and error handling on Pro plan
    • Added support for sub-items in database tables
    • Created new free themes to use on sites
    • Created video guides for Getting Started and Managing Pages - more to come!
    • And loads more little things!

    Remember to add and vote for the things you need in Super, and if you encounter a problem, please reach out to support so we can help resolve it.


    Team Super



  5. Welcome to our new feedback platform! 👋



    Welcome! We are delighted to introduce our new feedback platform and interactive roadmap! This initiative is aimed at increasing transparency about what we are working on and fostering better engagement with you, our community.


    How to get involved

    Our new Feedback platform enables you to submit and vote on ideas related to new features, existing features, bugs, and more. Sign in with your Super account and get started right away.


    1.  Log in with your Super account 🔌
    2. Submit your feature ideas ✅
    3. Upvote existing ideas from other users ⬆️


    Feature implementation process

    All new features added to Super will undergo the following process as a means of ensuring and maintaining a high standard of quality.


    1. 📝 Suggestion: Submit an idea to the idea page.
    2. ✅ Voting: If an idea becomes popular it will considered by the Super team.
    3. 🤔 Consideration: The Super team then explores the idea for suitability, timing, and value.
    4. 🗓️ Planning: Approved ideas are outlined, and an execution plan is created and shared.
    5. 📏 Design: Our designers explore the best implementation and create a prototype.
    6. 🚧 Design validation: The design undergoes usability testing (with real users)
    7. 🔧 Development: After refinements, the feature is implemented into a beta environment.
    8. 🚧 Beta and usability testing: The new feature is tested again by the Super team and a handful of users to find and eliminate any bugs and make final improvements.
    9. 🚀 Launch: After the final stage of testing, the new feature is released publicly. This includes preparing marketing assets, writing guides and updating our docs.


    Changelog, updates and announcements

    From now on, all updates including big and small will be documented and shared on the announcement page. This will cover bug fixes, improvements and new features.


    Team Super


  6. Super 2023 updates

    New Feature

    June 5, 2023 Mastodon footer icon support added


    Super referrals

    May 16, 2023


    Super referrals is a long awaited feature that let's you earn credit on your Super account. Earn up to $6 in credit on your account for each friend you refer! Check it out now on the Super dashboard in the Account page > Referrals tab.





    Improved manual publishing

    May 9, 2023


    We just launched some improvement updates to the Manual Publishing feature on Pro sites ⚡️

    • Faster publishing 🚀
    • Progress indicator ⏳
    • Clearer messaging 📣





    Introducing Super 3.0

    March 15, 2023


    An all new dashboard, navbar dropdown lists, dark/light toggle, improved site design and more. After a year of work, we are excited to unveil the biggest update to Super yet. In this post we’ll dive deeper into all the new features and share a glimpse into what’s to come next.

     Learn more on our blog post here 



  7. 2021 - 2022 Super updates

    New Feature
    Notion Compatability

    November 10, 2022 - New Pro tier: Manual publishing, background cache refresh, advanced search, priority support.

    September 7, 2022 - More database view support

    August 19, 2022 - New user guide

    July 25, 2022 - Template creation guide

    July 11, 2022 - Super themes

    June 1, 2022 - Annual billing

    May 31, 2022 - Super footers

    May 30, 2022 - CSS optimizations

    May 20, 2022 - New billing backend

    May 3, 2022 - Collection grouping

    April 20, 2022 - New database views

    April 15, 2022 - New page optimizations

    March 15, 2022 - Faster page syncing

    February 24, 2022 - Toggle headings

    February 15, 2022 - Drag and drop page management

    January 21, 2022 - Breadcrumbs block

    August 20, 2021 - Custom navbars

    June 11, 2021 - Password protections

    June 9, 2021 - Hyperlinked images

    April 15, 2021 - Live site previews
